Wednesday, June 23, 2004

on a roll

did tons of work today. the visual aids for the participatory poverty assessment that i would be conducting tomorrow almost took my whole day. then there was the strategizing with beth for tomorrow's priorities. there was also the preparation of needed logistical materials. whew, full day today.

but on a wednesday, when all my energy would have run out already, surprise of all surprise... i seem to have tons of it. even if the stuff that i need to do has not thinned a bit (but has continued to get thicker and thicker by the minute).

i am glad because i seem to have come out of my "depression," if that is the term for it. my blogs past couple of days seem to speak it out with the tones of not knowing what to do. of the messages hidden in half-angst, half-harrowing tones of sadness and to some extent bitterness. but like magic i bounced out of it... funny, it was also like magic that i was trapped in it for some time.

i knew i had renewed energy when i went down this afternoon to get a drink of water, i found gaga fixing herself a cup of coffee. she told me how sleepy she was and how heavy her feeling this afternoon. and the reflection in her eye formed my face with a wide grin and eyes starting to find its sparkle again. i wasn't even sleepy then. not a bit of drowsiness.

i feel renewed and energized... and its already the end of the day!!! i just hope this goes on till the end of the week...

... maybe its the vitamin c (i took 1 tablet in the morning and another during lunch)
... or the genes...
... or it could be the milk...

...hehehe kumokorni na uli ako ;j

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