Sunday, August 22, 2004

davao joys

1. kadayawan
2. sunday mornings at the beach
3. the smell of durian in the air
4. good food that is soooooo cheap
5. working with an ngo
6. visits from good friends (especially on kadayawan)
7. being away from home
8. finding a new home, 1513 kms away
9. ninin, anj, mehane and tatit
10. being 27
11. being single
12. no alcohol after 2am
13. the small art circle
14. taps
15. oie's
16. mt. apo, especially in the morning
17. the minimum fare is php5.50, but drivers sometimes charge php5
18. long walks
19. conversations over coffee
20. badminton every sunday evening
21. loving
22. praying
23. feeling God
24. growing my hair
25. not shaving my moustache and my beard
26. eating durian, the native one
27. work (i can't believe this is on the list)
28. no smoking... indoors

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