Wednesday, November 24, 2004

hot in here

as in the past days, today was no exception. it sure is hot in here. the kind of hot that makes me want to shed off my shirt and walk along the shore. the roughness of the sand and the cool of the surf meeting the soles of my feet. the sun beating on my shoulders and cheekbones. and the soft blue breeze plays with my face and kisses my smiling lips.

instead of a beach scene, today's warmth is painted by the gentle hum of the electric fan near my legs. infusing cold air and cutting through the temperature. the tip-tap of the keyboards as i rush to finish a data request from rene and dax (and of course to write this entry). the karaoke at my left tuned in to 89.9 GN FM. the stillness of the air outside is yet another facade of the day as the rain would surely come later in the afternoon, early evening.

november used to be characterized by cool afternoons and sleepy days, as everyone waits for christmas. the anticipation of the holidays and the bonuses makes everyone confused and jumpy as a mouse. on whether to catch up on that quota or to plan for the days ahead with no work. that certain hectic-ism must have distracted me before, for i never felt warm in november. had i not been on the countdown, i would not have said that we are so close to december. feels like summer here in davao. this must be one of the warmest november day ever since i can remember.

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